Hibiscus Kombucha FAQ’s

Have questions about our Hibiscus Kombucha Cultures? Find answers to some of the most asked questions about this culture product:

Making hibiscus kombucha is quite similar to making plain kombucha. It’s not at all difficult and in simple terms – Add the kombucha culture to a glass jar containing hibiscus tea and sugar, then allow sit for 7-14 days.

Click here for more info on making hibiscus kombucha.

Yes, again just like plain kombucha a single purchase of our hibiscus cultures can provide you with a lifetimes supply of hibiscus kombucha.

We use hibiscus tea, fine cut organic works best.

We prefer organic cane sugar. It is completely fermentable and produces a drink with a better taste and higher content of healthy organic acids than other types of sugar. Brown sugar is less popular because it contains molasses and produces tea with stronger vinegary taste and darker cloudy color. Regular granulated sugar also works well.

Some good signs to look out for are the development of strands of yeast floating about in the mixture and the development of a new kombucha scoby (baby scoby) close to the top of the jar.

Similar to plain kombucha, allow to culture at room temperature, 20 – 25°C is perfect for approx 7-14 days.

When your hibiscus kombucha has reached your desired levels of tartness it’s ready to drink.. Usually it takes about 7 days depending on temperature.

We recommend no longer than 7 days in the refrigerator as you will usually find the kombucha begins to turn into vinegar from there on out. Not really pleasant to drink but this can always be used as a starter tea if required!

Hibiscus kombucha scobys can either sink, be somewhere in the middle or rise to the top. It really doesn’t matter as long as it’s not moldy and otherwise looks healthy.

Yes, hibiscus kombucha cultures also multiply. Each time you brew a batch of hibiscus kombucha tea a new starter culture will form. The original starter culture (aka “the mother”) and the new starter culture (aka “the baby”) can each be used to brew a new batch of hibiscus kombucha tea.

Do not drink the kombucha! Throw it out and start your next batch with a new culture and follow the directions carefully.

Click here for compete brewing instructions.

If you need to take a break for a few weeks for an upcoming holiday etc.. and you’re worried about what to do with your kombucha scoby, then follow the steps below:

Simply place the hibiscus scoby in a fresh mixture of hibiscus tea, sugar and water. Now cover the jar, just like you always do and place it in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures greatly slow the culturing process, so the refrigerator is a good place to store the scoby when a break is necessary.

The hibiscus kombucha scoby will be absolutely fine for up to 5 weeks, although we don’t recommend drinking the hibiscus kombucha when you return as the it will be more like vinegar at this point. However, you can still use it as a starter tea if you like.

To carbonate: bottle your hibiscus kombucha (we like swing-top bottles), and allow to sit for a few more days at room temperature before opening and drinking. Enjoy!

There you go!

Remember, like most live cultures, hibiscus kombucha scobys can be temperamental and will take a while to master. These instructions should only serve as a guide and are a reflection of what works for us. After a while you are likely to find your own way and methods which is the beauty (and fun!) of working with kombucha.

Our products are living cultures and for best results they should ideally be used within 48hrs of receiving them. The faster the cultures are used the higher the success rate. All live cultures require settling as they adjust to their new environment. It is normal for cultures to take 3-5 brews to fully settle into their new environment. Please see instructions for more details.