Water Kefir FAQ’s

Have questions about Water Kefir Grains? Find answers to some of the most asked questions about this culture product: How do you make water kefir? Making water kefir is not difficult and in simple terms – Add the water kefir grains to a glass jar along with sugar water, let it sit, take the grains […]

Water Kefir Second Fermentation

Stronger flavour and extra fizz with a second ferment… A second fermentation is a great way to produce more flavour and more fizz in your water kefir. At this point you will have strained the grains and the remaining liquid (water kefir) will still have bacteria and yeasts that will feed on the new sugar […]

Milk Kefir FAQ’s

Looking to buy real live Organic Milk Kefir Grains? Having problems with your milk kefir grains? Check out our Troubleshooting FAQ’s for advice on how to keep our Milk Kefir Grains happy and healthy! What is milk kefir? Milk Kefir is derived from the turkish word keyif -meaning ‘good feeling’. It is a cultured dairy […]

Milk Kefir Second Fermentation

What is a second fermentation?? To put it simply, the first fermentation is done when your milk kefir grains are added to milk and cultured for approx 24 hours. Now, once you strain out your kefir grains with a plastic strainer and pour the strained kefir into a jar the milk kefir is then ready […]

How to Make Viili Yogurt

Please note that our viili yogurt starter culture is as a mesophilic yogurt, which in simple terms means it must be cultured at room temperature and does not require any special equipment. It is a true heirloom starter culture that can be used indefinitely and is very easy to use. Yogurt starter cultures are freeze […]

How to Activate Your Sourdough Starter

IMPORTANT NOTICE:. These instructions are for our live/wet sourdough starters. If you have one of our freeze dried sourdough starters please follow our freeze dried instructions. If the sourdough can not be activated on arrival, store it in the fridge until the suggested use by date. What kind of flour can you feed your Sourdough […]

How to Make Kombucha

Please note that it is always best to start the fermentation process as soon as you receive your order but if you’re not planning to start your kombucha right away, go ahead and store the scoby in the refrigerator until you’re ready. It can be stored in the original packaging for a few days. Alternatively, […]

How to Make Water Kefir

Please note that our kefir grains are living cultures and for best results they should ideally be used within 48hrs of receiving them. The grains require settling as they adjust to their new environment (they are very temperature sensitive) and this usually takes just a few days. However, as you are working with a living […]

How to Make Milk Kefir

Please note that our kefir grains are living cultures and for best results they should ideally be used within 48hrs of receiving them. The grains require settling as they adjust to their new environment (they are very temperature sensitive) and this usually takes just a few days. However, as you are working with a living […]