Freeze Dried Kefir Sachet
Please note that our Milk Kefir Culture is as a Mesophilic Starter Culture, which in simple terms means it can be fermented at room temperature (18°C or above), no yogurt maker or special equipment are needed. Just ferment on your countertop. Our freeze dried starter cultures can be stored at room temperature until the activation date on the back of the packet. If you do not plan to activate the culture before that date, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 years.
You will need:
- Starter Culture
- Glass Jars
- Organic full fat milk (or non organic)
How to make Milk Kefir:
- Boil 250ml of full fat pasteurised milk and let it sit to bring back down to room temperature (do not skip this step).
- Add the freeze dried starter culture to the mixture and stir well for 1-2 minutes to ensure it is fully incorporated (Never place your starter culture into hot milk). Seal the jar with an airtight lid.
- Store the mixture somewhere out of direct sunlight and away from a direct heat source but where the room temperature is approx 20-25C for approx 24-48hrs.
- Allow to ferment until you notice the milk has started to change texture and thicken. You are looking for the consistency of the milk to change. Kefir never gets as thick as yogurt. The ideal consistency is that of single cream.
- The starter culture will usually ferment the milk within 24 hours but occasionally can take longer than 48 hours (depending on the room temperature). If the milk does not change texture and thicken within 72 hours, reserve 2 tablespoons of the mixture and repeat the process with 250ml of fresh milk.
- Once set, place the kefir into the fridge to cool for at least 2 hours to set further.
- It is now ready to eat.
- Be sure to save enough of the cultured kefir in a glass jar and place in the refrigerator to re-culture future batches. You will need roughly 2 tablespoons of the fermented kefir per 250ml of milk. Always re-culture from fresh kefir starter, no older than 7 days for the very best results.
- Enjoy the remaining kefir or refrigerate for later consumption. It will keep in the refrigerator up to 7 days.
- Repeat at least once a week to maintain a healthy starter culture.
Note: Never place your starter culture into hot milk. Always allow it to cool back down to room temperature after boiling!
Troubleshooting & FAQs:
If you experience any problems with your starter culture please contact us immediately as refunds/replacements will only be issued if you have contacted us within the first three days of receiving your live cultures.
My starter cultures are not showing any signs of activity after 48hrs?
Once received all starter cultures require settling as they adjust to their new environment (they are very temperature sensitive) this usually takes between 3-5 batches.
Please note: In the event of an unsuccessful batch it is important to reserve 2 tablespoons of the mixture and repeat the process with 250ml of fresh milk.
How to produce larger volumes of Milk Kefir?
Once the first batch of milk kefir is complete you can always move up to a bigger jar for larger amounts of kefir.
Use the following ratio: 2 tablespoons of the fermented kefir per 250ml of milk. The goal is to keep the ratio of kefir to milk for each batch you make.
Longer culturing times make a more sour product, shorter times make a milder product
Your finished Milk Kefir can be enjoyed as is, or blended with fruit and/or honey for a delicious smoothie.
How will I know when my kefir is ready?
Milk kefir will be thicker than fresh milk, so you’re looking to see that change in texture and consistency. The cultured kefir will have a sour, tangy taste to it which will confirm that your milk kefir is ready to drink. If you like it more sour tasting, simply allow it to ferment for a little longer.
What type of milk can I use?
You can use organic or non-organic, but whole milk makes the thickest kefir, and is what we prefer and use.
We use dairy milk at all times and as such do not recommend this starter culture for use with goat’s milk, soy milk, or coconut milk. Although it is possible to use other milk types doing so could possibly damage or weaken the starter culture long-term.
Kefir cultured with low fat milk is likely to be very thin.
It’s always a good idea to wait until you have some spare starter culture available before experimenting with different milk types. At least this way you can always start over if it goes wrong.
Why is it necessary to refrigerate the kefir for 2 hours before consuming?
Refrigerating the kefir for 2 hours helps the culture to set further and makes for a thicker kefir.
My Kefir has separated or turned really thin?
- If the kefir separates, it has over fermented and been allowed to ferment for too long. Stir the kefir and allow it to set anyway. It will end up a little thin but perfectly fine to eat still.
- If the kefir is very thin, it has not had long enough to ferment.
How do I make a thicker Kefir?
You can make your kefir thicker by culturing with half milk and half cream for a much thicker and creamier kefir.
You can also strain the kefir overnight using a cheesecloth or muslin to achieve thickness. Straining the kefir overnight will result in a much thicker kefir.
The instructions above indicate that you should heat/boil the milk, then allow to cool. Is it possible to skip this step, and use milk straight from the fridge?
The main reason to boil the milk before fermenting is to kill any bacteria that may be present in the milk as it may compete with bacteria in the starter cultures.
Heating the milk also improves the texture of the kefir. Skipping this step will make a very profound difference to the structure of your kefir. Without this step your kefir will be thinner and much more fragile.
How to take a break from milk kefir?
If you need to take a break for a few weeks for an upcoming holiday etc.. and you’re worried about what to do with your kefir culture, then follow the steps below:
Simply go ahead and place some of the cultured kefir into a jar then cover the jar with a tight lid and place it in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Cold temperatures greatly slow the culturing process, so the refrigerator is a good place to store your culture when a break is necessary.
Making Milk Kefir Again
Once removed from the refrigerator the cultured kefir may take some time to ferment the milk again. It usually takes anywhere from 2-5 batches before it is fully active again. Again, you will need roughly 2 tablespoons of the fermented kefir per 250ml of milk.
There you go!
These instructions should only serve as a guide and are a reflection of what works for us. After a while you are likely to find your own way and methods which is the beauty (and fun!) of working with Starter Cultures.